My Experience with Acrylic Painting

Having lived in Florida the greater part of my life, I find the colorful nuances of the tropics inspiring. My initial introduction to art was as a child in Guyana, South America, where I received art lessons from Marjorie Broodhagen, forerunner of the Guyana Women Artists’ Association.

Several years ago while sitting at the window of an apartment in Tallahassee, Florida, I began drawing in order to capture the mood of the scene below me. My daughter was so impressed with my drawing that she gave me a gift of a canvas pad. With five Liquitex acrylic tubes of black, white, and the three primary colors, I created my first painting shown below, Secret Brook. At that time I was totally unfamiliar with acrylic’s feature of drying fast, and found the process of painting with acrylic quite difficult but I was able to sell Secret Brook.  This painting can be obtained as a print by contacting me through the email below.  If you are interested in landscape paintings from my earlier phase please contact me by email.

Initially I painted landscapes, realistic art, and a few abstracts. However, at this time, my preferences in art have changed. I tend to do more abstract and expressionist art.  My abstract work, Inner Thoughts was juried and displayed in the 2018 annual  South Florida Studio 18 in the Pines Exhibition. I hope you find inspiration and something you can connect to as you browse the diverse paintings in my gallery.

Secret Brook – Sold